The Purpose of this Site

I started this website to provide services and classes with the hope to help others find clarity in who they are and the reason they are here. All of us have a unique purpose in this world that we are here to bring forth which is not for anyone else to achieve. Some people know what their path is and many of us find glimpses at different times in our lives but may not feel we are able to manifest it. We may have people who cast doubt on our dreams or may not want us to change and leave them behind, so they don’t encourage us to go after what it is we are here to do.

What I do is encourage everyone to trust that they do have a purpose and to fully embrace that purpose. I find signs in one’s face which show strengths we have, and times when it is important to be “yang” (working hard and being more out in the world) and when to be “yin” (more introspective and in the contemplative and planning stages) I work with your job histories, hobbies, ancestors, and more, mining the clues that are there.

In order to support you I can work with your homes which are our sanctuaries, where we go to regenerate. In Feng Shui we recognize how important beauty is as the home is the space for our spirit. We work together to make sure there is what you consider to be beautiful in your space and find ways to support your lifestyle.

People have asked me why I have so many pictures of flowers in this website, and I say that I love flowers and plants and each picture feeds my spirit! I also watch the cycle of flowers based on the five elements. During the water element, winter, the bulbs or seeds are under the ground and then when spring arrives, the time of the wood element, the shoots reach upward towards the sky. When the flowers in their full glory burst forth in the summer we see the fire element, and in late summer we see the fruit or vegetables ready to harvest which is the earth element and then of course, the end of the cycle going into the autumn, the plant begins to drop to the earth withering.

I have long been inspired by one of the Graces of Greek mythology: Charis, the Goddess of Charm, Beauty, Kindness, and Creativity. When I work with my students and clients, I help them to embrace and bring into the world their personal embodiment of Charis in their lives and in their environments. 

